Dumpster Fire

Dumpster Fire

I am adding a new section to this site. (See top menu) It is where I will be posting my reviews and other bs at.  I have two sections so far: Netflix Reviews and IPAD Time Waster Games. I will be adding more to this section fairly often in the next coming weeks as most of it is already written. (about 100 lolz.)  Categories to come are: YouTube Melts My Mind – which will be a mixture of videos/people I like and other things that I’m sure somebody was on acid when they made it.  I know this isn’t really an interactive site but if you wanted to contact me with a category, you would like me to toss in the mix – I sure would like to hear from you.   See contact form below.

I suppose I should have a disclaimer so some hipster doesn’t get up in my shit.  My quote aka disclaimer: “My opinion and advice is shit at best. Please, lower your expectations and do not believe at any point in time now or in the future will I provide valuable reading material.  Thank you.” end quote / disclaimer. 

What I have posted so far:

Netflix Reviews:

The Silence

Murder Mystery

IPAD Time Waster Games:

Wonka’s World of Candy

My Cafe

Best Friends