Dragon Raja · GENERAL

Dragon Raja: How to cure a child

If a child gets sick in the game, here is how to cure them.

1. Go to your heir menu

2. Pick the child that is Sick.

3. Click the cure button below the child.

4. A pop up will appear. You will need gold to cure the child.

5. Click on cure


Dragon Raja · GENERAL

Dragon Raja: how to make a club.

How to make a club.

1. Go to your club menu. (Bottom right hand corner on the iPad)

2. Click the create button on the right side.

3. Name your club.

4. Pick which organization you support.

5. Select a badge type

6. Type a description

7. Clubs cost 249 to create. See picture

8. Click on create when done.

Club has been created!

Dragon Raja · GENERAL

Dragon Raja: How to get a pet

How to get a pet.

There is a few simple steps you will need to do in order to acquire a pet. (You are also able to get a pet once a day)

1. Go to your career menu and pick the pet expert.

2. Click on the pet billboard.

3. A pop up will appear and just click on the wording. This will teleport your character to the person who will give you a pet.

5. Talk to the person and click on pet test.

6. Under the animal is a description of what the animal wants. Pick an option. You will have to do this 3 or more times to pass the test.

7. Once you pass the test, the pet is yours and will go into your animal center.


Dragon Raja

Dragon Raja: How to promote your shop in chat?

How to promote your shop in chat? This one took me a little while to figure out so I will pass this information to you. The reason you need people to visit your shop is so that your shop will get higher in the rankings.

How to:

Go to your career menu in Dragon Raja.

Click on “Partner” in the right side menu.

Under your “My Shop.” There is a button called “Sharing”

Click the “Sharing” button. It will give you an option to share your shop in world chat. (See picture below)

You will see “Partner Shop1” written in the chat bar.

Hit send.

That is all! 🙂

Dragon Raja

Dragon Raja: How to cure a pet

How to cure a cute little pet in Dragon Raja?

Go to the kennel

You will see a red dot by the pet’s picture that is sick.

Click on that pet and you will see a small sign that says “In Sickness.”

See picture below:

Click on the “In Sickness” sign.

A pop up will appear with information of what kind of disease your animal has and how much it will cost to cure. (It’s varies in price)

If you want to cure your pet; then hit “Confirm.”

This is all you need to do.