Second Life · Things to do

Second Life: Helios Casino

Step into the captivating realm of the Helios Casino & Lounge within Second Life, where excitement and entertainment converge in a harmonious blend. This virtual destination stands as a haven for gaming enthusiasts, offering an exquisite array of slot machines and the classic allure of blackjack. Upon arrival, players are greeted with a generous starter pack—a HUD equipped with 500 complimentary coins each day, a perfect incentive to dive into the gaming experience. While additional coin purchases are an option, it’s advised to exercise caution in this pursuit. Personal luck might waver at the slot machines, but the blackjack tables unveil a different story. With a winning streak to my name, I found myself captivated by the riveting rounds of blackjack. For those seeking leisure and thrill, the Helios Casino & Lounge proves an unmissable destination. Embark on a journey of chance, where a free hour or two could metamorphose into a captivating escapade.

GENERAL · Second Life

Second Life: I only friend the dishonest.


Head: Catwa Lona (Bento)

Skin (Pumec – from a gacha machine)\

Eyes: Catwa Mesh Eyes

Eye Applier: .euphoric ~Hailey Eyes  Applier ~[Catwa]

Eye Shadow: . MILA .

Ears: .:[PUMEC] :.  – / Mesh Ears\   –   Faradenza

Hair: DOUX – Ariana hairstyle

Body: Maitreya lara

Outfit: MAAI Rope harness * Maitreya Lara * Yellow

Black Desert Online

Black Desert Online: Noob killing fields

Total hot bed areas for noob killing spree:

I have not been a BDO noob for a very long time but it never fails, whenever I try to level up a new character these are the areas, I get viciously slaughtered down by other players the most.


Hexe Sanctuary

Witch’s Chapel

Rhutum Outstation

Rhutum Sentry Post

Mansha Forest

Catfishman’s Camp


You may wonder why so much killing and bloodshed happens in these areas.  It’s because these are the areas that a character will hit that 50 level mark. So to all the gaming psychopath’s out there, it makes you easy pickings.

PVP is allowed after level 50 and above. Most players when they hit the level 50 mark, they are still not strong enough to fight off other players. Many predatory assholes will lay and wait for those noobs to wander through there.  My guess is the reasons why are as follows: 1. They want to lose Karma. Some people enjoy the bad guy aspects of this game. 2. They find it entertaining. 3. They think it will add clout with their other guild-ies and friends.  4. The noob has invaded their grinding spot. 5. They are mentally unstable.

Story time:

One time, I was at Hexe Sanctuary trying to defeat 2 million skeletons on my way to leveling up to 56 when I met a young wizard.  He stopped me in the middle of my bloodlust frenzy killing and started to chat.  He said to me “How are you today?” Before I could even press enter to type my reply, he had hit me over the head several times with his wizard staff.  I was dead on the spot.  He zipped out of there like a bitch.  I just sat there confused and wondered what the fuck just happened to me.  All I knew was that nice polite wizard was a piece of shit and it shook me to the core. I learned a valuable lesson that day.  I would never stop to have idle polite chit chat with somebody in combat areas and wizards are dead to me.

Pro Tips:

If you do have somebody hovering around or bothering you in combat areas, here is what you can do:

1.        Let them just kill you.  (I don’t recommend this because you will lose combat experience)

2.       Run away  (I do this fairly often because I worked hard on leveling up and don’t need to lose combat experience)

3.       Switch servers.  (You can switch servers every 15 minutes.)

4.       Try to kill them.  (Why not, give it a go…you might lose though)

5.       Message them and beg them to be your friend.  (I tried this once and was rejected)

6.       Report them to BDO for being bastards.  (Good luck with this..BDO will not help)

7.       Turn PVP off.  (I keep my PVP off but have still been killed)


Veruca’s Delightful Second Life – Episode 1


Dear Veruca: My life killing gacha crack addiction

Here is this week’s Dear Veruca! Enjoy!

I’m addicted to gacha.  How can I over come this addiction because I’m really broke?

Answer:  This is a really toughie because I bet your gambling addiction is full fledge right about now. You probably have the night sweats and violent mood swings.  You look over at your real- life lover while they are watching tv and eating a bucket of fried chicken; pondering how to profit from selling their organs.  Each night you can’t sleep.  Your teeth grind together and occasionally, you scream.  You need your goddamn gacha and you need it now.  In that moment, you sit and catch your breath.  You are stunned that your life has been destroyed by fake cartoon toys in a video game.

I’m going to try to help you or at least attempt too:

Therapy:   I hear talking is a good way to deal with your problems.

Medication:  Wipe your gacha addiction away with another addiction.

3rd option:  Quit being a pussy and stop spending your money.


I have been in Second Life for a while and I still haven’t met any friends.  Any advice?

Answer:   I think most of Second Life is batshit crazy but when I’m in the mood to find a life long friend; I do this.   I find the most crowded places but not chat hubs.  I stand in the corner looking cool and wait for somebody else who is desperate for a friend to message me.  Then I make them answer like 100 question survey to determine if they are really friendship material or just horny fucks.  If they pass that; I add them to my skype for a 90-day trial period and if they spam me with emoji’s or messages, I immediately block their ass.   I keep starting this process over and over until I find a good egg.  I almost made a connection back in 2007 but it ended as briefly as started.  Good luck.


If you have a good question and you need helpful but mediocre advice; send veruca vandyke a note card.