All · New World

New World: Winter Festival

New World has a Winter Festival going on through December 16th to January 11th.

You can find out more information on their site here.

Here’s another website where you can find all the Gleamite locations: Click here

Here are some answers to some of the frequently asked questions that I see in chat and hopefully, that will help a few of you.

Are fallen Gleamite meteors random? Random to some degree, yes. Fallen Gleamites only show up at night and at destinated locations. It’s not going to be just anywhere on the map. Below are three areas, that I frequent for Gleamite meteors. (There are more places – Just FYI!) The reason that it is somewhat random is because the shower may only be one per night or more and it’s never an exact time.

Everfall: Salt Hollow is my least favorite place because it’s often crowded. This is because it’s very close to a Winter Village and people can run back and forth. If you do want to be near a Winter Village, then this is a good place to go.

Restless Shores: Go where the red circle is. This place is my second favorite because nobody is ever there. The night cycle lasts about 30 mins? (Not sure) and sometimes, there will be two meteor showers if you wait long enough. The downside is that isn’t much to do other than wait.

Monarch’s Bluff: This is my favorite place. See the red circle. There aren’t too many people around and I can kill or gather things while I wait for the next shower. There is plenty of motes, turkeys, wolves, wood, iron and food items in the area to really keep you busy.

Food: If you are trying to farm Gleamites then be sure to get some food at the Winter Village. They cost 2 Winter Tokens each and it doesn’t matter which one you get. Each one will double the amount of Gleamites gathered when taken. It lasts for 25 minutes.

What is the purpose of Gleamites? You can farm Gleamites, go to the Winter Village and use the hut there to turn them into Winter Tokens. These tokens are used at the store by talking to the Winter Wanderer. You can also search for lost presents too and turn them into Winter Tokens. (You only get 1 lost present at a time, but you do get event reputation. The more reputation you have, the more options you have to buy from the store.

Settlement Winter Trees: There are decorated Winter Trees in each settlement. The tree will give you a present. (The website says up to 3 times per Tree – a just once a day) In the Winter Village, there is a tree there that also will give you a present. If you are level 60, the tree will give you some extra goodies. You can visit each settlement in the different regions and get a gift as well as each Winter Village.

Winter Village Locations: Everfall, Brightwood, Monarch’s Bluff and Weaver’s Fen.